Kaito® Sans

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Kaito® Sans is a typographic family which includes three different styles with the same weight: Kaito® Sans Normal, Kaito® Sans Stencil and Kaito® Sans Stencil + Texture. Kaito® Sans is a display typeface inspired by the elliptical movement of the comets and by the grotesque style of the early 20th century. This typeface was designed to accommodate more than 80 Latin-related languages, and it includes caps, numerals, diacritics, punctuation and symbols.


The usage of KOBU Foundry fonts is set in a license agreement (LA) in which the relationship between parties is established and defined. Please note that the fonts acquired through this page are governed by a Basic Font License. For further information, please check Font Licenses.

What styles do you need?

Where will you be using these fonts?

This license comprises the preparation of design work that includes the font for printing or digital purposes. You can install the font in up to 2 computers.
This license comprises the inclusion of font files in websites and/or web-based applications, and/or e-pubs (eBook, eMagazine, eNewspaper or interactive PDFs), up to the specified limit.
This license comprises the inclusion of font files in games, and/or mobile applications (iOS, Android or Windows), and/or software, up to the specified limit.
This license comprises the inclusion of font files in pieces of video content for television broadcasting (television commercials, main titles, film and television shows) and/or digital platforms, up to the specified limit.

Do you need an Enhanced Font License?

Are you a design studio? Or a company looking for a special font license for your brand? We have different solutions to cover more uses of our fonts. Just contact us.

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